Namespaced Values

A useful feature of the Session interface is that of namespaced value maps. Classes can store session values under their own namespace, so as not to collide with session values used by any other code.

The Map interface

Calling the getValues method of an object that implements the Session interface must return an object which implements the Map interface.

$session = new \Caridea\Session\NativeSession($_COOKIE);
$values = $session->getValues("my-namspace");

We ship two Map classes.

  • The Values class, which takes care of starting or resuming sessions when needed
  • The NullMap class, which is a no-op implementation

PHP Interfaces

Map implements the handy PHP interfaces Countable, ArrayAccess, and IteratorAggregate, so you can use a Map almost exactly like you can use a PHP associative array.

// Countable
$length = count($values);

// ArrayAccess
$values['bar'] = 'stuff';
echo isset($values['abc']) ? $values['abc'] : '(nothing)';

// IteratorAggregate
foreach ($values as $k => $v) {
    echo "Session value: $k => $v";

Other methods

There are three additional methods defined on the Map interface.

  • clear – Remove all values in this namespace
  • get – Uses a default value if the key isn't in the map
  • merge – Add all values in a provided Map to this one
$values = $session->getValues('foo');
$values2 = $session->getValues('bar');

$username = $values->get("username", 'anonymous');

The Values class

This implementation of the Map interface is very handy. It automatically starts or resumes the session when it needs to. This way, you don't incur the performance overhead of starting the session unless absolutely necessary!

The following methods will automatically start the session. (As you can see, these are both write-only methods).

  • merge
  • offsetSet

The following methods will automatically resume the session. If the session has never been started, there's no need to start it, since these operations would return nothing anyway.

  • clear
  • count
  • get
  • getIterator
  • offsetExists
  • offsetGet
  • offsetUnset

Finally, there's a public method, getNamespace, which will return the namespace under which this Map of values is stored.